About Lindsay

Me in Cambodia.jpg

Lindsay Morgan is a writer, editor and analyst who has worked primarily in the field of international development. Lindsay was born in San Diego, California, studied history as an undergraduate, and politics at the University of Durham in the UK as a graduate student.

Lindsay has authored numerous reports about aid programs and conducted field research in many countries, including Burundi, Indonesia, Kenya, Uganda, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, South Sudan, and Tanzania. She was based for many years in Washington, DC, where she worked for the Center for Global Development, a think tank, and an international development consultancy. She also resided in Dar es Salaam, where she wrote stories about World Bank health programs across sub-Saharan Africa.

Lindsay has a significant portfolio of original writing, including creative nonfiction; blogging; newspaper and magazine. She provides editorial services to technical experts to improve the clarity of their ideas and effectiveness of their writing; and to manage the writing and publication process. She has worked with bilateral and multilateral aid agencies; Ministries of Health; nongovernmental organizations and faith-based organizations; the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation; the University of Washington and the University of California at San Diego; and practitioners in numerous countries.